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Think about~~

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought."
- Buda -

""A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality."
- John Lennon-

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The secrets of Jin-shei

"Set in a mythical Chinese kingdom, The Secrets of Jin-shei is a timeless story of what sustains friendship — and what tears it apart. Accepting all the joys and responsibilities of jin-shei, eight girls pledge lifelong loyalty to each other: the poet, Tai, whose promise to a dying girl changes the history of an empire; the warrior, Xaforn, an orphan who will protect her chosen family no matter what the cost; Khailin, the scholar, whose thirst for knowledge leads her into a world of dark secrets and alchemy; sage Nhia, the only person with the power to save Khailin; Tammary, the gypsy girl, whose secret lineage could ruin a royal house; Qiaan, daughter of a captain in the Imperial Guard, with family secrets of her own; the healer, Yuet, confidante to the empress; and the empress herself, Liudan, whose search for family and ultimate quest for immortality holds the power to destroy them all."

This is the synopsis of the book I have finished to read today. The secrets of Jin-shei, a book of Alma Alexander... I love read.. I have read thousands books.. but this has been the first book that made me cry. Without doubt, this book has marked a before and after at my life.

Surely, I recomend it... because it's amazing.. i'm still shocked by the book...
I feel identificated with each of the girls and at the same time with no specific one, for what I'm, for what I have been and for what I wish to be... With some of them more.. with other less.. but I feel identificated with the 8 girls. Really humanized girls....

But that's not just the amazing point, how humans are they and how you can cry with them and understand they feelings.

Is the meaning of this book. The way of "jin-shei"... When I was reading it, I wished with all my soul have my own "jin-shei"..
So I explain at two girls the meaning, and I asked them to be my "jin-shei-bao". The two of them accepted. There is also other girl.. who I want to ask it.. I'll explain it to her when she will return of Japan this week. But at my heart I know that she is already my jin-shei. We don't need words... I know she is.
There is another girl... I want to ask, but I haven't courage for it, very hard...

So I have three girls with a eternal promise. Our own promise of jin-shei.

So naive~~ huh? But I like, I feel happy with this.. I feel warm to know that now.. I have my own circle of jin-shei. I wonder with what of the eight girls of the book I look more equal.
One of the two girls I asked to be my jin-shei is like Xaforn... the other is like Khailin... the one I want to ask is like Nhia... then.. I wonder if I'm like Tai... because is the one with who I feel identificated without a "I feel like her but..." but I hope that one of them can answer my doubt.

Back to the book; it will absorb you since the start. I hope that some people of who would read this will search the book and read it. And if you read it, I hope you will enjoy it as much as me... then it will mean that you have understood what is the meaning of "jin-shei".

Just as curiosity; as far as I know, in reality existed in China a secret language "nushu" and a secret brotherhood "Jiebai Zhimei" a brotherhood under sworn of heart and soul between women.

Así que prometo proteger este lazo. Y me siento muy agradecida con estas tres chicas. No espero que respondáis con la misma intensidad, ni siquiera si que tan serio es para vosotras este tipo de vínculo. Desearía que me correspondierais por igual, pero no os lo pediré. Yo soy simplemente feliz sabiendo que habéis aceptado. Porqué prometo cuidar este vínculo eterno, este pacto de almas. Este deber. Incluso más allá del tiempo.


Anonymous said...

¬.¬ tu blog tiene algo contra mi,ya van 3 veces que me borra lo que e escrito...
El libro tiene buena pinta,pero supongo que me esperare a la pelicula...xD
Es muy largo?Y otra cosa,el Jin Shei no es algo para beber?
Kon kon!!


Mireia said...

xD....... excusas ¬¬ seguro que no se te borran no mientas.. NO HAS ENTRADO EN TODOS ESTOS DIAS ¬___¬
XD no creo que hagan pelicula.. el libro hace tiempo que salio y si es un buen tocho, pero se lee muy rapido.
xD... y no.. no es ninguna bebida.. alcoholico..

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