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Think about~~

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought."
- Buda -

""A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality."
- John Lennon-

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Curious life... sad day

Just wondering... why life is like that.

Only few minutes. Only a second can change a lot of things... too much things.

Today was a normal day. Got up, work, laugh at work, return home... it was like other day. But few minutes before lunch the girlfriend of my cousin gave me a bad notices.... really bad notices. Only a minute. It has been enough to change all this day and somehow all my life and other lifes..... since then I'm wondering... just wondering a lot of things.

Life.. is so weak... it can be broken so easily....

For this reason... we must live our own way without regrets ¿Don't you think? We must do what we want to do... at the same moment we want to do it. In order to don't regret anything. Because at the moment to left of this life... you can say "yeah, I have done all the things I wanted to do"

So...I'm not going to waste my time anymore. I'll fight for my precious thigns. And I'll fight for my dream.

Because even if it sounds naive I want to live this way.

Think about that: are all you doing what you want to do?

I'm still in shock... Somehow it's difficult for me to accept this change... but I must do it.
It's as cruel as true... when you lost something/somebody... you realize how much important it was...

Being a human is tiring.


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