Hi people~ how is going everything? I hope better than me *sigh*
Well. Today... I have two of topics. The main one will be 24hour television.
But before this.. I want to wish good luck to Laia who tomorrow will travel to New York (waa this year you are going a lot of places!!) I hope you will enjoy the travel. I'm going to miss you (other time T_T)
Now the main point.....24 hour television!!!
Pan~ Other time thanks to Laia to share with me her pics~~ she took the photo during her travel (^-^)
Well... as you can see at the photo NEWS are main characters of this year~ that made me feel proud of them (lol! XD it sounds like.. if I'm their mother or something like that)
I have seen some of their interviews~ awww all them are so lovely. And the t-shirt is nice~ Pixar has designed its.. and I think that.. I'm not the only one who thinks that this design remembers the newest movie of Pixar, Up! (by the way, it's a great animation movie *o*)
Kyaaaa!! I'm loving NEWS perfomance of Kibou Yell, nyan~ I missed seeing NEWS on the stage! While they were singing you could see Imoto runing. Hum, ItteQ members are cute too ¿right? (yeah I know.. then Tegoshi is nice for to sides jajajajaja NEWS and ItteQ, he has two points~)*lol* but they are nice people.
About NEWS~
Koyama with boys suffering of hearing diseases ... he looks just so cute. Damn (T_T) I'm sure... being friend with Koyama must be amazing. He is so cute and lovely~ as sweet as usual. And sure all they have spent funny time learning doing shadows~
Massu looks just cute as always, I like what he does with that boy on wheelchair. I mean, it's amazing that a boy with a disabilty can do this kind synchronized swimming activites.. ^^ that made me feel kindly. Are touching things ¿right? o(^^)o
Shige, aww he looks more tired than the others. I wonder if it's true what NEWS said that Shige always get sleep. Poor~ he must recover himself. But I'm sure that he can do great music with that instrument...etto.. Steel pan? I thinik it was called steel pan. Also.. Shige wonders why he had been chosen to do that~ obious obious, it's more difficult for him since he is left-handed~ that's the soul ¿nee? Even if it's difficult we must do our best!! <-- nobody is asking your opinion naive girl!!
Ryo I have to said it... just now (well.. now..... now while I'm writing this *Swt* not at the time I'll post this entrie) had finished his DramaSP and.... oh.. my...god... what sea of tears.... Nishikido has been amazing. I'm still saying this... he is an amazing actor. Why you always end crying with his dramas?! But Nishikido is just superb.. I couldn't understand everything but... I can understand the neccesary things to say that this is a great DramaSP... it can't give you indiference. That's a touching story.... really I'm still shocked.. omedetto Nishikido. But not just him, all the actors are amazing. Yah~ Brianda you must love this story~ 'cause Yamada seems kawai~
Yamapi and Tegoshi are cutes and lovely as always~ Aw I admire them too much. They are always amazing and giving their best~ Gez.. I think I never will find words to describe all I think with Yamapi and Tegoshi things~~
But Yamapi looks so cool doing scuba diving and ... aw it's so nice... other time, this is touching. This is friendship and the other things are random! (>_<) Where you have to sign to be friend with NEWS? (T_T) About Tegoshi... I'm envy of Imoto and Becky! *lol* ok ok that's not the point.. Photo art, that's the point. Hum I'm curious to see this.... I studied art so.... I like this things and I'm a great art critic *proud* no... seriously, I want to see this photo art with 30.000 photos~ would it looks nice? o(^^)o Of course it would! *if not... I must teach Tegoshi how to do a wonderful image composition~ golden ratio, agh during my art studies I get obssesd with the Divine Proportion... ew (x_x)* But ehm.. yeah, I trust on Tegoshi *yosh! wait .. and Becky?* still doing your best!!
Hum, this kind of events are great, don't you think? I wonder if someday I would participe with an event like 24htv, I really wish it~ it may be great (^^) and you would feel sooo kind ¿nee?
Aw but I'm really enjoyng to see right now (yeah,at the same time I'm writing here) NEWS on 24htv~~ I wonder if Imoto will win the race~ but I must wait to know this. I hope she will~ 'cause Imoto is hilarious, she must win!! cheer up Imotoooooooo~~!!
頑張ります みんな
Hah, to be honest (yeah, truly honest) Imoto is amazing. I want to do things like her. She is doing her best too ¿nee? (but I will keep beeing envy of her when she gets so close to Tegoshi o_x *lol* )
Gah, now I remember....*random thing, nothing in relation with 24htv, just in relation with NEWS* so..I remember that sadly it seems that maybe we won't have DVD of Winter Diamond Tour (T_T) no way... that's unjust... I really wished to watch that NEWS tour... どして?!?!?!?! I feel frustrated....(~_~)
Back to the main point... Still now (you must know that.. I started to write this.. some hours ago) I'm watching 24htv hum.. I wonder.. how much hours would all they sleep after that. All this people must feel tired! They are working hard~
Well~ If later I know anything more I'll edit or tomorrow I'll do.... 24 hours television part two! (with a lot of main points~)
Nah... sorry for the large entrie!! to be honest I'm not much pendent with the blog (since I'm pendent of 24htv jajajaja, ¡ah! look~ now I'm watching Yamapi's commercial of.. Toshiba I think?)
Well~ tomorrow more and more 24htv, NEWS things and thousand of my random things~
PD: I keep watching 24htv!! ^_^ pan~ Tomorrow I'll give more details~

yeeey *_*
Espero haberlo entendido todo bien ~ que mi ingles es muy malo! xD
OMG, yo tambien saqué una foto del 24h, en un edificio gigante que habia xD! ~
Por todo lo que me has dicho, ahora me han entrado ganas de verlo T___T. Que mono Koyamaaa~ y Shige, pobrecito que duermaaa xD!
Aiis~ el SP de Ryo, quiero verloo *u* y que amoriles tambien Yamapi y Tegoshi *o* ~
Pero el que mas ganas me han entrado de ver es a Massu ~ :3 (obio xDDDD) aiiis, que monoooo *_* quiero verloooo~ T_T <3
Lo del Winter Diamond me ha dejado muerta T_____T ¿¡Pero porqueee!? T...T es muy injusto... No nos puede dejar solo con 20 minutos T_T!! ¿Pero que gana Johnny-san haciendo algo asii? No lo entiendoo ¬.¬
Y___Y Yo queria ver el concierto entero... nuestro Buta-chan con su look de RESCUE T_T ... tan amoril ;_;
Quiero ver el dibujo de Shige durmiendooo~ *_*
Ja neeeeee~ *_____*
Ai shiteruu~ <3
nyahaha XD <3 gracies Tott-chan (*o* ets un sollll~~ XD no es pas curt el teu missatge!!!)
Si T_T es injust.. jo també vull el concert...... no em poden deixar amb 20 minuts DONDE QUEDA EL MEMBER AI? *dramatiza* T__T seh bueno Massu en tindrem al DvD de Tegomassu pero.... jo ;__; snif snif Buta-chan <3 xD que amoril
*o* per cert que em podras passar la foto? així podré posarla demá al.. 24htv part dos! XD
:D Sis! Si si THERE'S NO DOUBT that I love him! hahahah taking in account that the 1º time that I watch the preview i coudnt recognize him!! D: Pero q tragedia griegra XD!! si si pero no lo pude reconocer de lejos... ò_ó .. solo de lejos jejeje... anyways... I do have problems watching with the program.. it is soo slow D: .. so I think that i will watch it on YT :P hehehe...
Hermana por favor! recuerda nuestro futuro programa de musica q sera divertido.. asi q no tienes porq sentir envidia de la .... :/ me olvide su nombre jajajaja XD--- bueno de ella pues hermana asi q recuerda q participaremos en mas de 1 programa jajajaja *hace planes maleficos WAHAHAHAHA :D si jejeje ya veran! :P ... bueno eso si es verdad q trabajan duro pero despues de todo es su life style and they are ready and prepeared for anything... asi q lo mejor q tenemos q hacer es darles nuestro apoyo y amor! :D jajaja si si claro y luego solo tendran q esperar a q lleguemos porq cuando lleguemos sera otra cosa ò_ó :D ..
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