Hi~~ みんなお元気ですか。
Well~ Today is... Mi-chan no nikki!! :3 nyan~ (sorry... somehow.. this seems weird lol..) huh and in english~ I must improve my english. I can't pretend that Kyra x'D will be all the life being my personal dictionary (?)
Wah, tomorrow two friends will travel to Japan (so lucky TxT I'm envy of them! I want to go too!!!!!) Heeh... and they will go to Kanjani8 tour ToooooooT!!!! *envy envy envy envy* no matter, I'll go next year to NEWS tour <-- *or I wish so* They also will go to 龍太郎~~ (^-^ is the ramen restaurant of the family of one member of NEWS) Yay~ here I can say without shame... ENVY I want to go there tooooo!! Yeah yeah~ but the best? ^-^ they will carry there my letter~~ I wrote a letter for NEWS (but is anonymous x'D they wouldn't know who I'm...) but I feel so proud of this letter. At the end I could expres, or I think so, the feeling I wanna share with these letters. (^-^) I think I could express at each message (one message for memeber) the important things (well not really xD... but that's... something difficult huh? Kyra will understand me)
Ah, look look I draw pics at each message, also on the envelope. That's the draw of the envelope~~ I have baptized it "Eternal Loop-Fall of NEWS" (I can't with my life XD... why I'm so ばか?)
Wah... I'm realizing.. I'm really stupid xD or how we say here at Spain.. so freak. You see... 小山 accidentally pushes 錦戸亮 who pushes 山下 who falls and pushes 増田 who falls above 手越 who grab on 加藤 's foot and 'cause of this, 加藤 loses balance and is going to pushes 小山.
You can think it. I'm not normal *lol*
Well~~ nothing more. I'm soooooooooooooooooo tired of job o(>o<)o someone kindly wants to give me at one spa??? :3 <-- ok ok, just joking. But.. I want go really at spa~~
Wah, I'm still listening Sayaendou~~ lalala *grab a phone*
Bravo Bravo
Mou oiratachi maru de sayaendou
Bravo Bravo
Tomo ni wakachiatta namida
Bravo Bravo
Oiratachi kyou mo sayaendou
Bravo Bravo
Kakegae no nai one piece
He~ It's just me, or with this song I feel like Luffy and I want to fight for my dreams till the end?
Well~ Today is... Mi-chan no nikki!! :3 nyan~ (sorry... somehow.. this seems weird lol..) huh and in english~ I must improve my english. I can't pretend that Kyra x'D will be all the life being my personal dictionary (?)
Wah, tomorrow two friends will travel to Japan (so lucky TxT I'm envy of them! I want to go too!!!!!) Heeh... and they will go to Kanjani8 tour ToooooooT!!!! *envy envy envy envy* no matter, I'll go next year to NEWS tour <-- *or I wish so* They also will go to 龍太郎~~ (^-^ is the ramen restaurant of the family of one member of NEWS) Yay~ here I can say without shame... ENVY I want to go there tooooo!! Yeah yeah~ but the best? ^-^ they will carry there my letter~~ I wrote a letter for NEWS (but is anonymous x'D they wouldn't know who I'm...) but I feel so proud of this letter. At the end I could expres, or I think so, the feeling I wanna share with these letters. (^-^) I think I could express at each message (one message for memeber) the important things (well not really xD... but that's... something difficult huh? Kyra will understand me)
Ah, look look I draw pics at each message, also on the envelope. That's the draw of the envelope~~ I have baptized it "Eternal Loop-Fall of NEWS" (I can't with my life XD... why I'm so ばか?)

Wah... I'm realizing.. I'm really stupid xD or how we say here at Spain.. so freak. You see... 小山 accidentally pushes 錦戸亮 who pushes 山下 who falls and pushes 増田 who falls above 手越 who grab on 加藤 's foot and 'cause of this, 加藤 loses balance and is going to pushes 小山.
You can think it. I'm not normal *lol*
Well~~ nothing more. I'm soooooooooooooooooo tired of job o(>o<)o someone kindly wants to give me at one spa??? :3 <-- ok ok, just joking. But.. I want go really at spa~~
Wah, I'm still listening Sayaendou~~ lalala *grab a phone*
Bravo Bravo
Mou oiratachi maru de sayaendou
Bravo Bravo
Tomo ni wakachiatta namida
Bravo Bravo
Oiratachi kyou mo sayaendou
Bravo Bravo
Kakegae no nai one piece
He~ It's just me, or with this song I feel like Luffy and I want to fight for my dreams till the end?
I love your letter!
You showed me the full set of little letters whith their drawings and I just loved them!
I think that they'll be really happy if they read them because you don't have wrote them as a fan and that's a good point!
I think this too ^^
Leyla take a Break!! O.O This isn't good for you health...
The draw it's funny! jeje
I feel like Luffy Too!!
I like the message that there are in One piece!! When i see the anime o reading the manga i feel very strond and I think that I can make my future how I want!! >.<
I don't know speak english very well but te felicito por el blog que aunque la mitad me suene a chino (xD soy taaaan ocurrente) el rosa y el blanco quedan very well.
Te firmo en esta entrada xq el dibujito me ha hecho gracia,me recuerda a humor amarillo no se xq ._.,pero la mejor entrada es la de reflexiones....Luffy rulz xD
En fin,aqui termina mi cutre-firma
Mata-ne (o algo asi >.<' )
~~Nek~~ xDD
Hola Mireia :)
He visto que en el blog de zopp le has dejado un mensaje diciéndole que te gustaría tener el single del Tanabata Matsuri pero que no puedes comprarte la versión sueca... Yo también soy de Barcelona, y me preguntaba si por casualidad no querrías hacer un pedido conjunto y así ahorrarnos unos gastos~
...i no sé per què escric en castellà, però bé xD
Si et ve de gust, envia'm un missatge a yoio@hot... (o agrega'm al msn si ho prefereixes) el més aviat possible, jo no trigaré gaire en fer la comanda~
/Yoio (Iolanda)
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